It seems we all face similar struggles in life. How can we make more money? How can we find happiness? How can we can find optimal health? And the list of questions go on and on.
I think one of the hardest things to do in life is change your bad habits. Who isn't happy sitting at home in front of their TV, drinking a sugary drink and eating something delicious? It is hard to get your ass off the couch and do something productive and it is even harder to make this part of your daily routine and never look back.
I had two goals when I started my maternity leave:
1) Be the best mother I can be to Leda and devote myself to making her happy, healthy and loved.
2) Loose the baby weight and go back to work feeling like a healthier and more motivated person.
The first goal I find easy. I love spending time with Leda and wanting her to be happy comes naturally and I cant see it being any other way. The second goal of course is a little bit harder. I have managed to loose most of my baby weight. I think I have only 3-5 lbs to go and I am excited about continuing to loose weight after that, but loosing weight/inches is difficult and it is so much easier to indulge then it is to exercise.
Discovering "
Life with Baby' was a life saver. I don't know what I would have done without this center. I wanted to become a busier person and I have achieved that and I manage to get most things done at one place which is great. At present my schedule looks like this.
Monday - support group in the morning and a mama and baby fitness class that whoops my butt in the afternoon
Wednesday - mama and baby yoga with Leda
Thursday - yoga just for me and breast feeding support group
Friday - walking at Western
Saturday - Pilate's just for me
You would think with all this exercise I would be doing really well, but unfortuanly that is not the case when I have such little will power when it comes to food. The thing that really bothers me is that I like healthy food, I just tend to choose convenience and convenient food is rarely ever healthy. I used to love to cook and bake, but at some point I lost that passion and I know I need to find it again.
I hope to eventually add another fitness class to my schedule. I have seen results and that's great, but its not enough. I know I could be doing better. Now, I'm not being to hard on myself. I am not beating myself up over it. I am just not blind to the situation either. I know what bad things I have eaten today and I know that if I want to loose the weight, I cant be doing this. It isn't even so much about loosing the weight as much as it is about being healthy. I want to be able to run around and have fun with Leda. I want to teach her healthy eating habits and I want to be an example of the right way to treat yourself, so hopefully she will make good decisions as she gets older. I also want to prove to myself that I can be motivated and I can change these bad habits that I have.
My goal with this blog was not to be overly personal, but I want to be accountable and I am hoping by sharing this, it will help. I am going to list some goals and post a blog once a week on how things are going and hopefully I will be able to note my progress.
These are my goals for the week:
- No fast food - Home cooked meals only. The only exception to this rule is coffee. I am allowing myself to buy coffee if the opportunity presents itself, but that is it.
- Do knee exercises every day. I have had a lot of pain in my knees and it is silly that I am not doing anything about it. That needs to change.
- Practice yoga at home at least 3 times this week.
- Finish cleaning and setting up the toy room/office
I will now go back to blogging about food, kitties and my adorable baby :)
Thank You for reading this :)