Monday, February 7, 2011

Leda and her Jolly Jumper

Andrew's sister and her family got Leda a Jolly Jumper for Christmas and I was very excited. Leda has wonderful neck support and loves nothing more then to hold your hands and stand up. I knew that Leda would love her Jolly Jumper!
I thought it would be fun to track Leda's progression on this blog. The first time we put Leda in her Jumper was shortly after the New Year and as you can see she put all her effort into it, but not much happened. When Leda sits on my knee now she rocks her whole body back and forth. The strength in her legs and upper body is increasing day by day and I don't think it will be long until she does her first real jump.

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying for about 4 weeks (on and off) to get Evan comfortable in his jolly jumper. He's been happy in it a couple of times, but only for a few minutes, and then he screams for me to get him outta it.

    I'm SURE he will LOVE it one day cause he LOVES jumping on our bellies.

    Gotta keep trying...

    Looks like you have a jolly jumper that comes with a stand? That's cool. We have one that clips onto door jambs. Though it's easier to tuck away somewhere, the only door place we can use it is upstairs (the bedrooms).
