You can find so many different interpretations on zodiac signs, so I just picked a random web page and used it for my information. This is what it had to say about Capricorns.
This cardinal earth element is represented by the goat symbol. The people who are hemmed with this zodiac sign are sensible in whatever they do and also very cautious. They are very wise in their thinking and moral in their approach. The Capricorns are highly determined and ambitious and work very hard to reach their goal. They are very duty conscious and reliable. They are featured by cold behavior and most of the time is serious. They are not out spoken and always have an insecure feeling.
I agree with most of this. I am often told I look too serious or I am too serious and I think I can come off as cold or aloof, especially in situations were I don't know people or I am alone. I do not think I am out spoken and I often feel insecure. I wish I was more determined then I am sometimes, but maybe the fact that I even wish that goes along with this. I try to be sensible and sometimes feel I can be too cautious.
Physical- Capricorn
The Capricorns are not big made but are short to medium build. They look bony and have a very thin frame. Usually they are characterized by very small facial features and the lips are defined by a thin line. Though the hair gives a fine appearance it is very thin. The skin is light and pale thus giving them a dull look.
The only part of this that resembles me is short to medium build. I definitely don't look bony or have a thin frame! I hope I don't have a dull look.
• untidiness
• being teased
• familiarity
• surprises
• new ideas
• loneliness
• being embarrassed in public
• fantasies
• ridicule of any type
• being teased
• familiarity
• surprises
• new ideas
• loneliness
• being embarrassed in public
• fantasies
• ridicule of any type
I agree with most of these dislikes. I am not sure about disliking familiarity. I think familiarity makes me feel comfortable. I also don't dislike fantasies, but I do hate being embarrassed and do not handle ridicule well.
• hot, simple food
• antiques
• duties and responsibilities
• unwanted pressures
• sexual love
• privacy
• the best in everything
• home and family
• personalized gifts
• new books
• expensive gemstones
• reliability
• professionalism
• firm foundations
• antiques
• duties and responsibilities
• unwanted pressures
• sexual love
• privacy
• the best in everything
• home and family
• personalized gifts
• new books
• expensive gemstones
• reliability
• professionalism
• firm foundations
I agree with all of these..especially expensive gemstones! :)
Health - Capricorn
Being the symbol of half fish and half goat, this is an interesting combination.Your emotions are very rarely shown or displayed publicly, and even in private, you are conservative and careful with whom you share them. All of this can lead to health problems in the future if you don't speak up and speak out at the appropriate times.If you stuff your feelings and don't get them out, then a certain medical condition can result: Gallbladder inflammation.Capricorns are prone to gallstones, which are usually soft, fatty globules that form in the gallbladder.
Symptoms of a gallbladder attack often parallel a heart attack. There can be a "heartburn" kind of feeling in the central chest region, and it can literally feel like a fire is burning inside you.
Another weak area for all Capricorn's are your knees. When they get up or sit down, their knees pop, crack and make funny, sometimes embarrassing sounds that everyone else can hear. Many Capricorn's have weak knees or problems in that area which may require surgery later on. Capricorn's get scars, scratches, cuts, bruises and other injuries on their knees more than any other part of their body. Swimming and horse riding are advised for them but they should avoid walking.
I have not had any gallstones problems yet and hopefully it is something I can avoid. I do feel stress physically. I get sick or feel very run down when I am stressed out. I found the knee part to be interesting because that is something I have been dealing with a lot lately. Since I have start exercising more my knees are killing me. I like that it says I can swim or ride a horse, but I should avoid walking!
Overall I would say I agree with most of this, but I also think we can find elements of ourselves in all of the zodiac signs, so I don't put a lot of faith in this stuff, but it always interesting to read. Would you say this describes me well?