Sunday, April 17, 2011

Challenge # 20 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality..

You can find so many different interpretations on zodiac signs, so I just picked a random web page and used it for my information. This is what it had to say about Capricorns.


This cardinal earth element is represented by the goat symbol. The people who are hemmed with this zodiac sign are sensible in whatever they do and also very cautious. They are very wise in their thinking and moral in their approach. The Capricorns are highly determined and ambitious and work very hard to reach their goal. They are very duty conscious and reliable. They are featured by cold behavior and most of the time is serious. They are not out spoken and always have an insecure feeling.

I agree with most of this. I am often told I look too serious or I am too serious and I think I can come off as cold or aloof, especially in situations were I don't know people or I am alone. I do not think I am out spoken and I often feel insecure. I wish I was more determined then I am sometimes, but maybe the fact that I even wish that goes along with this. I try to be sensible and sometimes feel I can be too cautious. 


Physical- Capricorn

The Capricorns are not big made but are short to medium build. They look bony and have a very thin frame. Usually they are characterized by very small facial features and the lips are defined by a thin line. Though the hair gives a fine appearance it is very thin. The skin is light and pale thus giving them a dull look.

The only part of this that resembles me is short to medium build. I definitely don't look bony or have a thin frame! I hope I don't have a dull look.

being teased
new ideas
being embarrassed in public
ridicule of any type

I agree with most of these dislikes. I am not sure about disliking familiarity. I think familiarity makes me feel comfortable. I also don't dislike fantasies, but I do hate being embarrassed and do not handle ridicule well.


hot, simple food
duties and responsibilities
unwanted pressures
sexual love
the best in everything
home and family
personalized gifts
new books
expensive gemstones
firm foundations

I agree with all of these..especially expensive gemstones! :)

Health - Capricorn

Being the symbol of half fish and half goat, this is an interesting combination.Your emotions are very rarely shown or displayed publicly, and even in private, you are conservative and careful with whom you share them. All of this can lead to health problems in the future if you don't speak up and speak out at the appropriate times.If you stuff your feelings and don't get them out, then a certain medical condition can result: Gallbladder inflammation.Capricorns are prone to gallstones, which are usually soft, fatty globules that form in the gallbladder.

Symptoms of a gallbladder attack often parallel a heart attack. There can be a "heartburn" kind of feeling in the central chest region, and it can literally feel like a fire is burning inside you.

Another weak area for all Capricorn's are your knees. When they get up or sit down, their knees pop, crack and make funny, sometimes embarrassing sounds that everyone else can hear. Many Capricorn's have weak knees or problems in that area which may require surgery later on. Capricorn's get scars, scratches, cuts, bruises and other injuries on their knees more than any other part of their body. Swimming and horse riding are advised for them but they should avoid walking.

I have not had any gallstones problems yet and hopefully it is something I can avoid. I do feel stress physically. I get sick or feel very run down when I am stressed out. I found the knee part to be interesting because that is something I have been dealing with a lot lately. Since I have start exercising more my knees are killing me. I like that it says I can swim or ride a horse, but I should avoid walking!

Overall I would say I agree with most of this, but I also think we can find elements of ourselves in all of the zodiac signs, so I don't put a lot of faith in this stuff, but it always interesting to read. Would you say this describes me well?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Challenge # 19 - Your Favorite Movie



The first time I watched this movie I was 11 years old and I was in Switzerland. The movie was in German and I was very confused, but I loved it. When I got home I eventually watched it again and loved it even more. This is probably the movie I have watched the most in my life and I never get bored of it. Chrystal bought me it for my Birthday and it was the best gift ever! I used to have it on VHS, but had not replaced it. I look forward to the day I get to watch this with Leda :)


I did not get a picture of Leda today, so this picture is from yesterday at a Birthday party. She is looking a little concerned..

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Challenge # 18 - What your last dream you can remember was about..

I rarely remember my dreams. I dreamt a lot more while I was pregnant and since having Leda I don't feel like I have had enough continuous sleep to even have a dream!
I did have a dream the other night though and it is by far one of the strangest dreams I have had. If anyone has any insight about what it might mean I would love to hear it. It feels like it is one of those dreams that definitely has to mean something. I have my own theories, but I would love to hear yours.

I dreamt that I was with family and friends at some sort of outdoor event. We were sitting under a big dining tent at a table. There was a blond lady sitting across from me and it was not someone I recognized. I had Leda in my arms, but she was only about 2 - 3 months old. The lady told me that she did not have her baby with her and that her breasts really hurt. She said that Leda looked hungry and it would really help her out if she could feed her. I told her no thank you, that I will feed my own baby, but thanks for the offer. She took Leda out of my arms and continued to plead her case and then told me point blank that she was going to feed her and then continued to do so. I sat back and let it happen. My sister Nicole began to tell her that I had said no, but I told her not to worry about was already happening and there was nothing we could do about it now.

I also dreamt that I was doing stroller boot camp and it went on forever and was never going to end...but I am pretty sure I can figure that one out on my own :)

If you have any ideas on what my dream means..please let me know.


I was sitting at the computer this morning with Leda and had the brilliant idea to give her a blue highlighter to play with. The cap was one, but there must have been some ink of the outside, but next think I know she has a blue tongue and a blue mouth. Thankfully it came off easily :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Challenge # 17 - A Picture of Your Best Friend :)

I met Chrystal the first day of college. We sat together during our first class and that was the beginning of our friendship. We did our first placement together at the same Daycare and she has been a constant companion in my life since then. I don’t have a lot of strong relationships with people, but my friendship with Chrystal is very special to me and exceeds all other friendships I have ever had. I am lucky to be the Godmother to her four beautiful children and she is Leda’s Godmother and will be the next babies too (whenever that may be).
I know we have each other’s complete love and support and most importantly we have trust. I can open up and share personal information with Chrystal that know she will always help, no questions asked and I would do the same for her.  Nobody knows me better. Our youngest daughters are going to be best friends whether they like it or not! I would do anything for her children, because I love them as much as I love Leda and I consider myself very lucky to have such a great friend J I am excited about what the future brings for us and our families.


Leda had brocolli for the first time and did not like it at all. She thought it was lots of fun to spit it everywhere. The next food she is going to try are peas...I dont think she is going to like those either.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It has been awhile..

Life has not allowed me to blog lately. I will start the challenges again as soon as I can. I thought I would take this time to share what has been happening in the McArthur house.

Poor Leda has been sick. It was her first illness and it sucked. Luckily she is almost over it now. She still sounds a little raspy, but overall is doing much better. Leda was so congested and had an awful cough. Her cough sounded very wet and rattly, but her lungs were clear and not much could be done, but wait for it to pass. Leda was not herself, she was very tired and very cranky. I did not think I could get less sleep then what I was already getting.

Right before Leda got sick Andrew and I had made the choice to start putting her down without rocking her to sleep. I was not sure anymore if this was the right time to be doing this with her being sick, but it went really well, so I also did not see the point of messing with a good thing. Leda now goes to bed without any help and without her bundling blanket. I feed her and then put her in her bassinet. She has cried a little bit, but overall she goes to sleep within 45 minutes and sometimes much faster then that. I have also been putting Leda in her crib for naps. Usually she is asleep within 15 minutes. She does get upset, but it does not last long.

Tonight will be the ultimate test. Leda is going to sleep in her crib all night. She is still waking every two hours or less to eat, but I think it is mostly out of habit. Leda also wakes up for to 2 - 3 hours at night now and plays. I listen to her suck on her sleeper, bang her bum against the bassinet and she also loves to lift her feet  up as high as she can and bang them as hard as she can on the very thin mattress. Although Leda can not pull herself up yet, she is to big for the bassinet and I need to find a way to get more sleep. I feel like I have hit a wall. I did alright for 6 months and now I am done. I need at least 4 hours in a row...that would be really nice. I wake up with headaches because I feel like I am never getting more then an hours sleep at a time. I really hope this works. I hope she loves her bassinet.

Pretty much this has been my life lately. I was stuck in the house for over a week because of Leda being sick and I am very tired. Not very exciting I know, but what can you do?