Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Challenge # 17 - A Picture of Your Best Friend :)

I met Chrystal the first day of college. We sat together during our first class and that was the beginning of our friendship. We did our first placement together at the same Daycare and she has been a constant companion in my life since then. I don’t have a lot of strong relationships with people, but my friendship with Chrystal is very special to me and exceeds all other friendships I have ever had. I am lucky to be the Godmother to her four beautiful children and she is Leda’s Godmother and will be the next babies too (whenever that may be).
I know we have each other’s complete love and support and most importantly we have trust. I can open up and share personal information with Chrystal that know she will always help, no questions asked and I would do the same for her.  Nobody knows me better. Our youngest daughters are going to be best friends whether they like it or not! I would do anything for her children, because I love them as much as I love Leda and I consider myself very lucky to have such a great friend J I am excited about what the future brings for us and our families.


Leda had brocolli for the first time and did not like it at all. She thought it was lots of fun to spit it everywhere. The next food she is going to try are peas...I dont think she is going to like those either.

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