Monday, March 28, 2011


I am taking a break from the challenges to blog about my daughter. Leda has not been feeling well lately and it breaks my heart. She has an awful cough, a runny nose and she sounds like she is beginning to loose her voice. Andrew and I took her to the doctor to make sure everything was fine and Dr. Sheppard assured us her lungs were clear and we were doing everything correctly. I don't get to nervous about Leda being sick, but I do worry that if I did not get her checked that it would develop into something worse and then I would feel neglectful. A worry I am sure most mothers have.

I have never heard a baby complain so much in my life. I have worked with lots of infants and seen lots of sick little children, but Leda beats them all when it comes to complaining. I really should get it on video. It is a low moan that goes on forever. The poor babe even complains in her sleep.

We have had a few rough nights now and I am hoping that it will turn around soon (not that I was getting any more sleep before) and Leda will start feeling much better.

For about the last week we have started putting Leda down for at least one nap in her crib and letting her fall asleep on her own. It has gone surprisingly well. At night I have been trying to put her down when she is half asleep and let her go the rest of the way on her own, this has also gone surprisingly well, but tonight as I was getting her ready for bed I realized that her blanket that I bundle her in was in the washing machine still and had to be dried. Leda is now in her bassinet, not bundled and I am hoping that she is going to fall asleep. It would be a huge step! It has been 45 minutes and she is still awake, but not crying, just complaining.

When I went in to check on her I went to stroke her face and she grabbed onto my arm with both of her arms and held onto me very tightly. I stroked her cheek and she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Of course the arm hugging and sleeping only lasted a few minutes, but it was still very sweet.

I am so thankful for my beautiful Leda.

Here are some of Leda's 6 month pictures the wonderful Jana Burn's did for us last Friday.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Challenge # 15 and # 16

Challenge # 15
My Favorite Television Show



I love television and it was hard picking a favorite show, but I tried to think of a show that I have enjoyed every episode of. It makes me sad that we have to say goodbye to Michael Scott and I am not sure if they plan on continuing the show without him, but so far I have enjoyed how things are wrapping up. My second favorite show is "Parks and Recreation."

                                      Leda - Picture # 15

Poor Leda has been so sick. This is the first time she has been sick and it is breaking my heart. She has a cough, runny/stuff nose and is doing lots of sneezing. Hopefully she will be feeling much better soon.


                           Beautiful Cottage on the Lake

I would purchase a beautiful lakefront cottage that is winterized. I am not sure where it would be yet, but I would want it to be fairly secluded and I think I would also need to purchase a boat to go with my new cottage :)

Leda - Picture # 16

Leda is feeling a little better today. She does not feel as warm, but still isn't well. Hopefully every day will just get a little better. She is complaining a lot less today which is great. She sounds like a depressed cow when she complains and it goes on for hours!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Challenge # 14 - A Goal that I Wish to Achieve Within One Year..

My goal is to take a couple classes at Henry's and really learn how to use my camera. I would love for photography to be more of a hobby, but that will never happen unless I learn everything my camera can do.

LEDA - Picture # 14

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Is this Love - By: Bob Marley was Andrew and my first dance at our wedding. We were luck enough to go to Jamaica and visit Bob Marley's tomb on our honeymoon. We named our cat Nesta, which is Bob's middle name. I love this song :) I love Bob Marley :)



Wedding Play List

Wedding Party's Dance : Sea of Love by CatPower
Father/Daughter Dance: Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
Mother/Song Dance: In My Life by The Beatles
Last Dance of the Night: Island is the Sun by Weezer

LEDA - Picture # 13

Leda tried sweet potatoes for the first time this week and she loves them. She did not pull any faces like she did with the rice cereal and ate a ton! I wonder what her next food should be?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Challenge # 12 - A Picture of Yourself and 10 Facts

  1. My middle name is Melanie
  2. I took Television Broadcasting in College, but dropped out and took ECE instead
  3. Bob Marley is my favorite artist (Weezer is my second)
  4. When my home is clean and organized, everything makes more sense
  5. I have a shark phobia
  6. I always want Boston Cream cake with fruit on top for my Birthday
  7. I have the world's worst sense of direction
  8. When I am not smiling I tend to look stern. I have no control over that
  9. I have moments of pure joy
  10. I adore a freshly made bed
Leda - Picture #12

Poor Leda has had a rough day. She barely slept all night and then was up at 6 am and she also had her 6 month appointment, which means she had her 6 month shots. But she's a trooper and did a great job!
*chirp, chirp!*

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Challenges 10 & 11


A picture of somewhere you would love to travel and why

Baby Beach Aruba 1

This is a picture of Baby Beach in Aruba. I am not sure why I am so drawn to Aruba, but it looks like a beautiful place to visit and I also really like all inclusive resorts and look forward to staying at more of them and Aruba seems like a good place to do that :)

Leda - Picture # 10

                                         Leda in her Hurley hat :) I love it so much!


What you want more then anything right now

I really, really want swiss chalet...and I think im gonna get it!

LEDA - Picture # 11

I went on a walk with Leda this afternoon and somehow managed to get her up the front steps and into the house with her still sleeping. She looks so comfy :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


1.    EMAIL - It is one of my main forms of communication and nobody writes letters anymore. I could do with out most things on the computer, but it would be hard not to have email.
2.    SUNSHINE - I find as I am getting older, the winter blahs affect me more and more. I have begun to crave the warmer, nicer weather and after a few months of cloudy grey skies I find I really miss the sunshine. I have always wondered what it would be like to live somewhere that is always sunny, but I don't think I could ever leave Canada.
3.    BOOKS - I am not sure what to say about books...I just can't imagine life without stories.
4.    CAMERA - I can barely remember now how small Leda once was. I need my pictures so I never really forget anything or anyone. If there was a # 6 it would be photo albums.
5.     YOGA - I hope to continue yoga for the rest of my life and also hopefully get much better at it since my flexibility and balance need much improvement. Yoga is my favorite activity that I do all week. I live for the five minutes at the end that I get to practice quieting my mind and often find it hard not to fall asleep on that mat..sooo relaxing..

Leda - Picture # 9

                                                                My beautiful girl :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011



I love reading and I found it hard to think of my favorite book. There are so many that I would say are my favorites. I figured the easiest thing to do was go back to the beginning and chose the book that started it all.

"The Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson is the first novel I can remember reading and it started my love of books. I really need to own my own copy of it so I can read it to Leda someday.

Leda ~ Picture # 7

Leda has now had cereal two days in a row and is loving it. She looks like she hates it while she is eating, but tries to grab the spoon and always opens her mouth for the next spoonful and this is a picture of her right after eating, so I think she is pretty happy about getting solids :) It is a lot of fun feeding her and I am excited for her to try new foods.


  • Got out of bed around 8:00 am. It was the best sleep I have had in two months. Leda stayed asleep in the big bed.
  • Went on the computer and checked email and face book
  • Andrew came home and came downstairs and we talked about our nights
  • 8:45 I went upstairs and had Keg crab cakes and juice for breakfast. I don't usually eat food like that for breakfast, but it was sooo good and I don't regret it at all.
  • 9:10 I went to see if Leda was awake and she was just starting to wake up. Andrew and I both went in the room and played with her for a few minutes.
  • Went to Leda's room and got clothes for Andrew to dress her in and then I went and got ready.
  • 9:45 Andrew drove us to Life with Baby
  • 10:00 fed Leda and met Jodi's very cute and very hyper Boston Terrier named Murphy. Leda did awesome with the dog and was not intimidated at all.
  • 10:30 - 11: 30 pilates....I love pilates..
  • fed Leda after class, talked to Jodi and then headed out to go home
  • 12:00 went to Starbucks and got a grande cinnamon dolce late and then caught the bus to go home
  • 12:35 got home
  • took Leda downstairs and watched the end of an episode of "Glee' while I fed Leda and then put her to sleep for her nap.
  • watched the rest of Glee and then went on the computer to check email and start this blog
  • went upstairs and began to sort through Leda's 6 month bin of clothes to see what would fit her and what is too big. I also went through her drawers and sorted through clothes that are too small :(
  • 2:30 started to make lunch (french fries! I am the picture of good health today)
  • continued to sort through clothes, but Leda woke up, so I went downstairs and fed her
  • brought Leda upstairs, changed her and finished lunch
  • went back downstairs and ate lunch while Leda played on her play mat
  • 3:20 came back on computer and updated blog
  • watched some youtube videos with Leda
  • 3:47 went back upstairs to put away laundry and continued sorting clothes (still not done)
  • 4:15 gave Leda a bath
  • 5:00 Andrew got up and we talked about and ordered dinner
  • 5:50 fed Leda
  • 6:10 back on computer and uploading video for blog
  • Andrew picked up dinner and we ate
  • 7:00 Put Leda to sleep while we watched "Pillars of the earth"
  • 8:00 watched "Jersey Shore"
  • 8:50 continued working on laundry
  • *sigh* honestly..I'm tired of blogging my day and it has not been a very exciting day. I am going to watch TV and go to bed...
                    LEDA VIDEO (instead of a picture today) # 8

Leda is now on day # 3 of solids. She looks disgusted with the whole process, but I'm convinced she likes it. The face she makes with the first spoonful of the day is my favorite :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Challenge # 6 - A picture of someone you could not imagine your life without..


This challenge was easy and I am sure it comes as no surprise that I chose Leda as the person I could not imagine my life without. Here is something I wrote about Leda that I think sums up my feelings.

How Leda Has Changed My Life
How hasn’t Leda changed my life? Words can barely describe the life altering experience of having a child. Everything I do, I do for Leda now. She took a once dilatory, unmotivated, bleak and selfish woman and made her into a loving, selfless, patient and enamored mother.
 I questioned whether I had it in me. I wondered if I would just tire of my child like I tire of everything else. I wondered if I would grow impatient and want someone else to do this job for me. I had such guilt about these thoughts, but I didn’t need to worry. I don’t ever think that way anymore and I feel silly that I ever did. I would take a hundred temper fits, a thousand 2 am feedings and  a million explosive diapers every day for the rest of my life if it means that I get to hold my lovely Leda for even a minute and smell her beautiful baby smell, touch her velvety soft skin on my cheek and listen to her resplendent laughter. Leda makes every frustrating moment worthwhile with just a small smile. Sometimes I look at Leda and I feel like my heart is going to burst. I can barely contain the love I have for her.
 I tell her all the time how much I love her. I am sure she is going to get tired of hearing it and probably eventually be embarrassed, but I also take great joy in telling her that she was once in my belly and that she came from me. I am very proud of that fact. It will always amaze me that I was part of creating something so beautiful and she is mine. Leda is a part of me. She is a part of my very soul and it is a connection that can’t ever be broken.
Leda is my inspiration. I was always searching before for something to motivate me, for that magic entity that would inspire me to do better. Now all I need to do is look to my daughter.  I know that Leda is going to look to me in the same way. I want Leda to see the world as a place that can be experienced mindfully and know that with some determination and a strong will, you can accomplish anything.
Leda has taught me to be mindful. As much as it breaks my heart, I know she isn’t going to stay little forever. I take every moment and try to catalogue it in my mind. I take the time to hold her close and breath her in, to let her touch my face and hair and take that time to watch her explore and know that at least for this moment she adores her mother and I am her whole world. I love to kiss her wrinkly toes after a bath, make her giggle by pretending to eat her tummy and wear her close in my wrap where I can feel her heart beat against mine.  I take the time to enjoy her.  Even after I have put Leda to bed and finally have time to myself, I find myself looking forward to the moment I get to feed her and hold her in my arms again.
I have never had my patience tested so much in my life. I have never felt pain that comes even minutely close to what I felt during labor. I have never been so sleep deprived and I have never had myself tested to this extreme before and I have never been so grateful.
                             LEDA ~ PICTURE # 6

Leda turned 6 months old today. She also tried her first solid food today. I made her homemade short grain brown rice cereal and mixed it with breastmilk. She was a little unsure, but over all I think it went really well :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Challenge 4 & 5

* I was sick yesterday and I had started the post, but then the Internet stopped working and I did not have the energy or motivation to start over, so I went and laid down on the couch instead. I tried again today and was almost done, but the computer did the same thing and I lost everything. I am a little annoyed right, but I am going to try once more.


As much as I like quotes, I sat down yesterday and tried to think of which one was my favorite. It turns out I only have one memorized, so I guess it wins as my favorite quote :)

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.  ~Mahatma Ghandi

Here are some other quotes I like:

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.  ~Mother Teresa

My life is my message.  ~Mahatma Ghandi

The phrase "working mother" is redundant.  ~Jane Sellman

If there's no struggle, there's no progress ~ Rachael Robinson

I'd give all wealth that years have piled,
The slow result of Life's decay,
To be once more a little child
For one bright summer day.
~Lewis Carroll, "Solitude"

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.  ~Confucius



Andrew took this picture of me last August when had a mini holiday in Toronto. I was over 30 weeks pregnant and it was not a well thought out trip, but was still lots of fun. We did so much walking! I felt like we walked everywhere and my feet and back were killing me. This picture was taken at the ROM.

The highlight of the trip for me was the food (can you tell I was very pregnant?) I researched restaurants before we went and was determined to experience great food and we did. A nice surprise was when we went to a restaurant called The Marben. Andrews friend is a part owner and it was amazing. It was tapas style, almost everything is grown locally and they have their own in-house butcher which was really neat. It is by far one of my favorite restaurants now. I cant wait until we get to go again. The best thing we had there was the dessert. It was two fresh homemade chocolate chocolate chip cookies and they sandwiched delicious chocolate ice cream and came with two dipping sauces. The one sauce was like a melted whip cream and the other was hot fudge.

Here is a great website with pictures of The Marben.

                                 LEDA - PICTURE # 5

We went to visit my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister and the triplets tonight. Leda can't handle staying up later then 7 lately and eventually passed out on my mom's bed. It was very cute, but the poor little girl was so tired.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Challenge # 3 - Your favorite food and your least favorite food


I had a hard time deciding what to put as my favorite food. I love food! I am not very picky and there isn't much that I would not be willing to try. I appreciate good food and high quality food, but I also like fast food sometimes and really simple food. Chocolate would have been an obvious answer, so I decided to go a little more outside the box.
Something that I could eat every day is grilled vegetables with goat cheese on rye bread. This is my favorite sandwich. If I am starving I like to eat it as a big snack. It is easy to grill lots of vegetables for the week and they keep really well in the fridge. Rye bread is my preference, but I am sure any bread would work and there are lots of delicious goat cheeses to chose from. I like to grill zucchini, mushrooms, onions and red peppers the best.

I have also had a bit of an obsession with mini coloured marshmallows lately and I really enjoy them in hot chocolate :)


I do not like green peppers. They are OK raw, but I do not like them cooked. I think they taste like ear wax..enough said..

Leda - Picture # 3

Leda has been very off and on lately. I think she is teething for sure now. There is lots of drool and lots of chomping going on. There are still lots of happy moments amongst the grumpiness though and I am very grateful for those.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Challenge # 2


I miss Pollox every day. He was a great dog and I miss his company. I still expect to hear him bark sometimes and still catch myself looking for him every once in awhile. I understand that loosing your pet is part of owning a pet, but besides my rats, he was the first pet I had lost in my adult life.

I got Pollox from The Humane Society in Brampton when he was 3 months old. I was 18. He slept on my bed from the first night I had him and he was very much "my" dog. I think Pollox only ever bit once and it was because he was provoked. He was a gentle, loving dog. I left him at my parents house for a few years while I went to college and then brought him to London as soon as I could. He hated my apartments, but was in heaven when Andrew and I moved into our home.

Pollox used to growl and bark when people would go near me and I loved that he was protective, although I was not convinced he would hurt anyone. He would bark when you said "Wheres Angela?" and loved to get into the garbage. Something I never thought I would miss. You would be watching TV and suddenly realize he was in your lap and not even know where he had come from. He loved to be cuddled and I used to sleep hugging him. I loved him so much.

It is probably good Pollox did not meet Leda. Pollox hated babies and would bark when he would hear them cry or laugh on TV. I was unsure of how things would go with the new baby, but I am sure Leda would of loved Pollox even if the feelings were not mutual.

We lost Pollox last summer very suddenly from lung cancer. As far as I can tell the only time he really experienced any discomfort was in the last week of his life. Pollox was 13 1/2 years old and lived a great life. He was a healthy, happy dog and was loved right up to the last moment and is still loved even now.

I look forward to my next dog, but I am always going to miss my Pollox.

Leda picture # 2

Leda and her Stella doll. This doll was her first Christmas present from Santa :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

30 Day Challenges..

I keep seeing 30 day challenges on Face Book and on people's blogs and I think it is a fantastic idea. I can't load the app on Face Book, so I decided my blog would be a better place anyway. This way I will blog every day for the next 30 days and if I am lucky this will become more of a habit and I will do better at blogging. I tried to find a list of 30 challenges that I liked, but I couldn't, so I decided to create my own list.
If anyone would like a copy of the list so that they can do their own 30 Day Challenge I would be happy to share it with you :)
I have also decided to post a new picture of Leda every day with my challenge and we can see how much she changes in a month. It is hard to believe she will be 6 months next week. Time has gone by way to fast.


I was 11 years old in this picture. In case you cant tell I am the one standing to the right of the Birthday girl in the awesome zebra sweatshirt. I remember that I loved that shirt, but always felt unsure about my permed hair. I wanted it to be curly, but somehow it never turned out that way.

Leda - Picture #1

This picture is too funny! Leda just woke up from her nap and is doing a big stretch :) I love her squishy little face!

Friday, March 4, 2011

I will never buy ricotta again!

About a month ago I made mozzarella for the first time and was impressed by how easy and delicious it was. Tonight I made ricotta and it was even easier. I doubt I will ever buy it from the store again. It tastes so much better homemade and took under an hour to do it.

               Ricki's Whole Milk RICOTTA!

1 gallon milk (milk cannot be ultra-pastorized. I use Natrel 3.25%)
1 tsp citric acid
1 tsp cheese salt (optional)

1 gallon pot
cooking thermometer
butter muslin

1. Pour milk into non reactive pot (not aluminum or cast iron). Add citric acid and cheese salt (optional). Stir.

2. Heat milk to 195'F. Stir often to avoid scorching.

3. When the curds and whey separate, turn off the heat and let set for 5 minutes.

4. Line a colander with the butter muslin. Ladle the curds gently into the cloth.

5. Tie the cloth into a bag and hang to drain for 1/2 hour or more depending on the desired consistency.

6. After draining to the consistency you prefer, the cheese is ready to eat. It will keep for up to two weeks in the refrigerator, or it may even be frozen.

I used the ricotta to make lasagna :) Next time I plan on making both the mozzarella, the ricotta and maybe even the noodles, but that might be a little to ambitious :)