Wednesday, March 2, 2011

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. ~Leo J. Burke

I know I have been complaining a lot about my lack of sleep lately, but that is my world right now. I think about sleep all the time, I crave sleep, I need sleep!
For the last month now Leda has been waking up every one to two hours. Now, I do realize that I have it a lot better then some parents and she could be doing a lot worse, but regardless...I'm tired. For awhile I could say that at least she would go down easily and at a reasonable hour, but for the last couple days she has started getting miserable at around 6 pm and fighting sleep until after 10 pm. She has also been fighting her morning nap and it makes for a long, cranky day.
At least when I go in the room to check on her and I know she is awake, she greets me with giant smiles and it is very cute, but I would think she was even cuter at that moment if they were sleep smiles.
I think a lot of what parents end up doing with their babies is out of desperation. I have thought a lot about this. I have looked into different sleep methods, but I cannot bring myself to do any of them. I will not let Leda cry it out no matter what anyone says to me and I support other peoples decisions to do what they need to with their babies, I just don't want to do it with Leda. I have looked into no cry methods, but that is basically what I am doing now anyways and it really isn't getting me anywhere. I figure that this to shall pass. Eventually we will get past this and I am just going to be really tired until that day.
Leda wakes up starving at night, so I don't think there is much I can do about that right now anyway. I will start her on solids in 2-3 weeks and maybe that will make a difference.
If anyone has any advice, their own stories or words of encouragement, I would love to hear them.
I am going to make myself some coffee now and try and start my day :)

Here are some pictures of Leda that I took yesterday at the park :) It was her first time in a swing and she seemed pretty happy :)

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