Sunday, March 20, 2011


1.    EMAIL - It is one of my main forms of communication and nobody writes letters anymore. I could do with out most things on the computer, but it would be hard not to have email.
2.    SUNSHINE - I find as I am getting older, the winter blahs affect me more and more. I have begun to crave the warmer, nicer weather and after a few months of cloudy grey skies I find I really miss the sunshine. I have always wondered what it would be like to live somewhere that is always sunny, but I don't think I could ever leave Canada.
3.    BOOKS - I am not sure what to say about books...I just can't imagine life without stories.
4.    CAMERA - I can barely remember now how small Leda once was. I need my pictures so I never really forget anything or anyone. If there was a # 6 it would be photo albums.
5.     YOGA - I hope to continue yoga for the rest of my life and also hopefully get much better at it since my flexibility and balance need much improvement. Yoga is my favorite activity that I do all week. I live for the five minutes at the end that I get to practice quieting my mind and often find it hard not to fall asleep on that mat..sooo relaxing..

Leda - Picture # 9

                                                                My beautiful girl :)

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