Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fall seven times, stand up eight. ~Japanese Proverb

Leda's sleep situation has been getting better. For the last two weeks she has not been waking up every 1-2 hours and her first feed isn't until 1 or 3 am, she eats again around 5 am and then has been sleeping till 7 am, which is much better then 6 am..although I would prefer 8 am, but I will take what I can get.

After 3 am is when things get difficult. It is hard to say how long she will continue to sleep and she will still always wake up at 5 am, but I trust this will get better with time.

It is funny how you think you are getting a grasp on one thing and then something else changes completely out of the blue and there you are...facing another challenge and trying to bring peace and harmony to your home. Cant we all just get along?

This is what my mornings have looked like lately..

Isn't she lovely? The jolly jumper usually does the trick, but not any more. I breastfeed Leda right away in the morning in the hopes that it will make her happy and help get through the next 30 minutes of her day, but to no avail. Leda always has a grain and a fruit for breakfast and the whole process takes about 20 mins to prepare and she just looses it. I am not sure if she is not getting enough sleep at night even though she is in bed for 12 hours, but she is a miserable child in the morning. Hopefully we will get over this soon and have a better start to our day.

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