Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Top 10 Reasons why I love Leda (today)

After a very trying afternoon with my very cranky daughter I decided to try and focus on the positive and list the top 10 things about Leda today that made my heart swell with love. If I were to talk about all the reasons I love Leda this blog would never end, so here are today's top 10.

  1. Leda's 2 bottom teeth (her only teeth). They make her big smile even sweeter.
  2. The way Leda smells after her bath. I use Burt's Bee's Shampoo & Wash and I have been using this on her since the beginning and I LOVE it! She smells so delicious!
  3. The way Leda laughs when I smell her feet. I have to say "mmmm" after I smell them because if I say "ewww" she stops laughing and just looks at me funny.
  4. Leda's hair. I put barrette's in it, but it is not long enough yet for ponies. Sometimes I think her hair resembles Donald Trump's comb over.
  5. The way Leda will sometimes squeeze her eyes shut when she laughs now.
  6. The way Leda is starting to reach out for me and the way she swats at me when she does not like something I am doing.
  7. Leda's passion for puff's and Baby Mum-Mum's. Eating finger foods is serious business.
  8. Leda's enjoyment of reusable grocery bags. One kept her entertained for a good 20 mins while I put away and sorted through her clothes tonight.
  9. How Leda can scream and jump in her Jolly Jumper all at the same time. It is like she cant resist that urge to jump, no matter how angry she is.
  10. How much Leda loves Nesta. I wish I shared her affection for the cat...maybe some day.

1 comment:

  1. Number 4 is a hoot! I love that barrette Mr. Trump! Hehe.. I am in love with all the great things you chose to write about Leda. It has inspired me to do the same for A and E :-) (jen)
